The St. Albans School of Public Service class of 2013 began the day with a visit from Mr. Christopher Smart, the Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for Europe and Eurasia (not to mention the father of Kate, SPS '13!). Mr. Smart spoke about his work on behalf of the Treasury Department and the U.S. in working with European countries in response to the European Debt Crisis. In response to a question from one of the SPS students, Mr. Smart described his role as combining some of the attributes of both an economist and a diplomat. The SPS 2013 class emerged not only with a stronger understanding of the structural and policy issues at the heart of the European Debt crisis, but an understanding of the U.S. role in attempting to resolve it.
Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary for Europe and Eurasia Christopher Smart, speaking at SPS |
After hosting Mr. Smart at St. Albans in the morning, after lunch the St. Albans School of Public Service 2013 class headed down Wisconsin Avenue to Georgetown University for a presentation by Georgetown University McDonough School of Business Professor Paul Almeida (
click HERE for Professor Almeida's biography). Professor Almeida, who teaches Strategy and International Business, entitled his presentation to SPS "Globalization and Strategy: What Young Leaders Need to Know." His tips on strategy -- including the advice "don't play the game you find, shape the game you play" -- found eager listeners in our group of future policy makers!
Professor Almeida with our group |
Isabel's knack for strategic thinking won her a gift bag at the end of the presentation! |
We ended the day with a full tour of the University from student tour guides (see photos below). The tour included a trip up to the rooftops of the University to enjoy a great view of DC, the Potomac, and Virginia (see video immediately below).
Matt and Will with our student tour guide, Joe |
Our student tour guide walks backward as he guides our group |