Have bus, will travel! The St. Albans School of Public Service Class of 2014 headed out on the road early this morning and covered a lot of miles and learned a lot in the course of a day. In the morning, SPS toured the United States Supreme Court and then was fortunate enough to have a private Q&A session with United States Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. Justice Kagan answered questions about everything from when she first became interested in the law to the role of law clerks (recently law school graduates who work for the Justices) at the Court.

After a very brief stop back at St. Albans for lunch, SPS '14 headed back to the buses and left the District of Columbia bound for the Maryland State Capitol, Annapolis. The SPS '14 students were lucky enough to get to sit at the actual desks used by Maryland legislators in the beautiful Chamber of Delegates -- it may be a foreshadowing of future careers for some of our group! Our host, Maryland State Delegate Jim Gilchrist, spoke to the group about some interesting legislative issues in Maryland and then took questions from the group on everything from federalism to recent legislative developments in Maryland to the difference in how state legislatures are structured in the 50 states.
In the Chamber of Delegates in the Maryland State House with our host, Delegate Jim Gilchrist |