Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Breaking "News": SPS "Supreme Courts" Rule on Same Sex Marriage Case

The "SPS Supreme Courts" have ruled in favor of marriage equality in today's mock oral argument of the very same Obergefell v. Hodges case under consideration by the United States Supreme Court case.  (Click HERE for the SCOTUS blog coverage of Obergefell.)  By votes of 7-4 and 9-2, the "Trophy Room Court" and "Kellogg Room Court" both ruled that a state may not constitutionally ban same-sex marriage.  Both courts also ruled that, even if states are not required to allow same-sex marriages, they must still recognize same-sex marriages performed in states where such marriages are allowed.
Justice Bath announces the majority opinion for the "Trophy Room Supreme Court"

Justice Duke announces the majority opinion for the "Kellogg Room Supreme Court"