Sunday, July 3, 2011
SPS 2011: The Annual SPS Olympics Begin with Egg Toss
What better way to celebrate the July 4 Holiday weekend than the annual SPS Olympics?! The Olympics began with an event long celebrated in Ancient Greece: the Egg Toss (apparently the Athenians were particularly skilled at this event, as were the Corinthians). As the photos below show, our competitors battled valiantly for airborne egg supremacy.
(Above photo: Danny lets fly with flawless egg tossing technique)
(Above photo: Incoming! Olivia draws a bead on a falling egg)
(Above photo: Paging Mr. Belichick, Mr. Bill Belichick -- Pat in the process of making an impressive grab)
(Above photo: Daniella and Purcell refining their tossing technique early in the round)
(Above photo: Nicko sets himself for a difficult catch. Below photo: Alas! Nicko anguishes over the lost egg. Ou sont les ouefs d'antan?)