Riding the big yellow school bus -- the "naturally air conditioned" yellow school bus, aka the
UNAIRCONDITIONED big yellow school bus -- has always been a key element of the St. Albans School of Public Service. Who among us does not fondly remember the bonding experience of sitting in downtown D.C. traffic in business attire on a 100+ degree day coming back from the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, [insert cool trip here]. But now there's a new player in SPS transportation . . . the sleek new St. Albans School ride. It's not yellow, but
it is air conditioned. Will this change the SPS experience materially? Will future SPS classes not be quite as close, not having experienced the swelterfest of some of those bus rides? Good questions, good questions indeed. The jury is out . . . but we at SPS
are willing to take the risk.

(Above photo: eat your heart out, John Madden, this is the new SPS ride!)

(Above photo: SPS intern Shawn and program assistant Maddie do their best Vanna White imitation in front of the sleek new vehicle.)