Friday, June 22, 2012

How Do You Know SPS 2012 Is Right Around the Corner?

No, it's not the rising heat and humidity that indicates that summer in DC has well and truly arrived (but it IS a good thing the SPS dorm is air-conditioned).  As any veteran SPSer could tell you . . .it's All About the Binders.  The famous "SPS Binders," repositories of the fascinating case studies that are at the core of the SPS experience.  This summer we'll be reading cases and articles covering everything from the role of the media in formulating policy to the implications of the use of surveillance drones in warfare and domestic policing to the controversy over the use of hydraulic fracturing (aka "fracking") to drill for natural gas. 

And those binders don't assemble themselves (and, although some believe St. Albans looks like Hogwarts, there is no team of SPS House Elves to do the work).  The SPS 2012 students can instead thank Ms. Renninger, our SPS Program Manager (pictured below), and our great SPS 2012 summer intern, Katie F. from Vanderbilt University (at right), for taking on the monumental task that is BINDER CREATION.