The SPS 2012 crew got a chance to meet some of their illustrious forbears at the Annual SPS Alumni Garden Party. The rain held off (mostly) and we were able to enjoy dinner from Guapos and ice cream sundaes in Gregory Court. Thanks for coming back, alums!
SPS 2009 and 2010 alums (from left: Matt, Charlie, Dorothy, Ross, and Zach) |
Catherine (SPS 2011) and Alexandra (SPS 2011) get a chance to catch up with Araba (SPS Class of 2012) |
Alex, SPS '11, catches up with SPS '08 alum and SPS '11 and '12 RA Helen |
Bringing out the shades for the Garden party (from left: Thomas C., Ryan D., Willy A) |
Memphis SPS, Past and Present: Janielle, SPS Class of 2012, chatting with an earlier SPSer from Memphis, Adam (SPS '04) |
Three "generations" of awesome Vanderbilt interns! (From left: Katie (2012), Diane (2009), and Lindsey (2006) |