Thursday, July 18, 2013

SPS 2013: Meet the Press, SPS Style! (Mock Political Action Committees Hold "Press Conferences")

Throughout the 2013 session of the St. Albans School of Public Service, the students have worked outside of class on a group project focusing on political advocacy. The class was divided into six smaller groups, and each was assigned a broad policy area addressing issues having to do with, respectively, energy; immigration; firearms ownership; social security; health care; and same-sex marriage.  The groups were then asked to form a Political Action Committee (PAC); draft a piece of legislation within their policy area; secure "Congressional" sponsors (really the SPS faculty and staff) for their bills; draft a press release publicizing their views; hold a press conference fielding question from the skeptical press (their classmates); and, finally, take part in a full legislative debate on the bills. 

The six groups came up with some interesting legislative proposals, including the Healthcare Reform PAC group's (cleverly known as the "Z-Pac") proposal to modify the Affordable Healthcare Act and the "PowerPac's" proposals to limit U.S. reliance on foreign oil, adopt a carbon tax, and develop nuclear energy.  As  we lead up to the final legislative debate the six SPS PACs have been holding their press conferences. As each PAC presented its proposal, their classmates played the role of the press -- there were some tough questions!  (The "Power Pac" especially wowed onlookers by creating an actual Twitter Feed to support their mock legislation.)

The Social Security PAC briefs the press on their proposal

Jack confidently fields a question from the press

The "Fox News" representative, Tyler, was skeptical of the proposed Social Security reforms

Kate poses a question on behalf of the "Washington Times"

Jimmy and Will R. ready for the next question

Rachel and Sammy listen to the briefing as they ready a question on behalf of the "Drudge Report"

Immigration spokesman William briefs the press

Ryan makes a point on behalf of the immigration PAC

Tyler and Stefano eager to pose their questions to the immigration PAC