Wednesday, July 15, 2015

SPS '15: Mock Press Conferences for Issue Advocacy Group Project

During the course of the four weeks at the St. Albans School of Public Service, SPS '15 has been working in small groups throughout the session as "issue advocacy groups" advocating legislative reform/change in six substantive areas: social security; firearms; education; health care; immigration; and energy.  Each group chose a policy they wanted to promote; drafted mock federal legislation to effectuate their policy choice; wrote a press conference promoting their legislation; and, over the last two days, held a "press conference" (with their SPS classmates playing members of the media) to promote their legislation.  On the final full day of the program, SPS '15 will "switch hats" from an issue advocacy group to become members of Congress debating the six bills.
The Social Security issue advocacy group "meets the press"

Reporter Ethan posing a question to the press briefers

Justin explains a finer point of the bill

Reporter Patrick asks a follow up question

The Social Security group at the podium during their "press conference"