Aniya (Tennessee) |
The St. Albans School of Public Service Class of 2014 marked the final evening at SPS with the SPS Final Banquet. After a wonderful dinner, courtesy of the hard-working St. Albans/Sodexho staff, and some cake that was so good it was consumed before the intrepid photographer could get a shot of it, it was time for a longstanding SPS Final Banquet tradition: the SPS Class of 2014 spoke to each other about their time at the program and what it meant to them. Our international students (Dominik, Charlton, John, and Rebecca) all spoke about what the program meant to them and how much they'd learned about the United States, most of all from their American SPS classmates. One of our "locals," Ben, who is a DC native and attends St. Albans School, thanked the program and his classmates for helping him really discover Washington, D.C., which before he might have taken for granted. Ultimately, the prevailing sentiments were well-expressed by Oliver, who said that he "never expected to find 45 other people my age who love what I love but don't all agree with me." (Patton also caught the will of the class when he stated that everyone in SPS '14 wished that Mr. Eagles were their grandfather.)
John (Seoul, South Korea) |
Kate (Vermont) |
Peter (Georgia) |
Oliver (Southern California) |
Daniel (Illinois) |
Lilly (Maryland) |
Celeste (New Jersey and Washington, D.C.) |
Bryce (Southern California) |
JJ (Bloomington, Minnesota) |
Ben (Washington, D.C.) |
Alex (Washington, D.C.) |
Lizzie (Pennsylvania) |
Teresa (Southern California) |
Joseph (Maryland) |
Stephen (Massachusetts) |